Nathan is an omnist monk who has taken an interest in writing, his reflections inspired by perennial philosophy.
Although he began this hobby in 2019 at the age of 31, he was awarded "Future New York Times Best-Selling Author" in middle school (so you know he has nothing left to prove.)
In his day job, Nathan is a business educator and consultant over at www.zenlaunch.org. He also helps to manage an employee-owned worker cooperative. Find out more about this coop at www.legacyhomeandcommercial.com.
He and his wife reside with their four daughters in Austin, Texas.
(And yes! a monk can be married and conduct business. Monasticism is an ascetic way of life not confined to the monastery. This idea has long been encouraged by its practitioners. And you are welcome to join.)

Dear reader,
The stories shared here are not intended to assert or promote any particular metaphysical worldview. Instead, when mythology is provided, it can be seen to serve as a utility for pondering the virtues and meaning of our experience. From the depths of my own imperfections, if I could say anything about the Mystery, I will have said it imperfectly.
From the story of Job, our protagonist said it like this:
“Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens above—what can you do? They are deeper than the depths below—what can you know? Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea." (Job 11:7-9)
Laozi starts us off this way in Tao Te Ching:
"The way that can be told is not the eternal Way. The name that can be named is not the eternal Name. The unnamable is the eternally real."
To provide you with the opportunity to draw your own conclusion on the subject matters expressed in story, I will want to be obtuse. If you feel strongly that I am steering you to a very particular conclusion, read more carefully. When reading between the lines, know that you have not found my words, but your own. That is the intention.
However, you may also find that, from time to time, I lead us to an inference that possesses evident fault. Whether this is intentional on my part or not, it is there nonetheless. Like many of life's clever lessons, the presence of fault serves to spark your own need to find correction. For there is more passion in disagreement than accordance. May you be passionate.
This site will mostly feature flash fiction parables and fables (parables, but with animals.) I find that the stylings of fairytales allow us to make light of difficult matters and to help us remember their morals.
​The series called "Master's Musings" is a bit different. It is inspired in form by many tiny wisdom stories, such as those found in the tradition of Zen Koans, tales of Nasreddin, and the many folk stories of sages from around the world. I am no master myself though. Instead, these microfictions are the musings of the master that roams around in my imagination from time to time.
This flavor of writing is not for everyone, and I don't mind if it doesn't suit you. But, if you would like to read along, you can get email updates when new content is released by using the form at the bottom of any page.
Nathan Alexander